Monday, October 4, 2010

Elizabeth Hurley sets new world record

Elizabeth Hurley has spoken of her delight at helping to set a new world record.

The 45-year-old actress illuminated the most historic landmarks in 24 hours by turning 39 of the world's greatest sights pink in aid of an Estee Lauder breast cancer awareness initiative.

Hurley flicked the switch from the top of the Empire State Building, lighting up the New York attraction and other landmarks including the Sydney Opera House and the Taj Mahal in order to gain entry into the Guinness Book Of World Records.

Speaking at the event, Hurley told WENN: "We are thrilled to be creating a new Guinness World Record commemorating an important initiative started by Evelyn Lauder 11 years ago. It's an honour and privilege to travel around the world with Evelyn, illuminating landmarks in pink lights and sharing our awareness with everyone we meet.

"It's wonderful to see the global impact that these illuminated landmarks have, motivating women to see their doctors regularly, perform a monthly breast self-exam, and get an annual mammogram if they're over the age of 40. Our goal is to spread this message to women in all corners of the world."

Last year, Hurley helped raise money for domestic violence charity Women's Aid by donating pictures of her son for a collector's stamp.

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