This is the weakest of all of Broly's Super Saiyan forms and is a slave to
Both character forms are fictional as Broly never went past Super Saiyan 1
Legendary Super Saiyan 3 Broly
Me Bitching: Broly's Base and Super Saiyan Forms
Broly Super Saiyan
Oh,it's LEGENDARY Super Saiyan 3!They said it was going to be a normal SSJ3
SUPER SAIYAN 5 BROLY Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
-Goku is the true legendary super saiyan -Order of preference - DBZ > DB >
Here you can see the levels of Super Saiyan that were only achieved by Broly. This section tells the differences between Broly's forms and the regular Super
Dragon Ball Z Movie 8: Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan
Nah, I look more like a 7'3 DBZ character in their super saiyan forms.
Ultimate Broly forms by ~BloodyPooProductions on deviantART
Legendary Super Saiyan Broly vs The Hulk!
Legendary Super Saiyan Requirements: Unknown Ki Drain: Unknown
Talk:Broly - Dragon Ball Wiki
Vegeta transforms into his Ascended Super Saiyan form and attacks Broly but
broly super saiyan 3
Dragon Ball Z - Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan (Uncut)
KAKAROT SUPER SAIYAN broly fusion 3.18 min. | 0 user rating | 34563 views
Legenday Super Saiyan 2
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